Scandinavian Children at Al Hol Camp, Repatriation and Fear of Terrorist Attack
Human Rights Watch Reports that Children Repatriated from the Camps are being Reintegrated
The Great Naysayer Britain Blinks
Australia one of the great naysayers will now repatriate all their women and children from NE Syria
Cholera is now the new threat and Al-Hawl/Hol camp Festers
Briefing to the Security Council by Ms Joyce Msuya on the Humanitarian Situation in Syria
The Long Hand of the USA in the Quest for those who Served Islamic State
The Report of Crisis Group on the Resurgence of the Islamic State in NE Syria
Letter to the Citizens of T&T from the Grandparents of the Children detained at the Al-Roj camp
The Judgment in the First Case brought by grandparents of children in Al-Roj camp NE Syria