When Am I Going To start to Live?
Click and read the Save the Children International 2021 report on the conditions children and women live on a daily basis at the Al Hol...
Please help us identify these two T&T young men in Syria
These two T&T young males contacted a German media crew who were filming a documentary at al Houri Center, Tel Ma'rouf, Syria. Both of...
The War of Words between the SDF and the UNICEF rep. in Syria over the boys in al-Sina'a prison
UNICEF is the only multilateral international agency the SDF allowed to visit the boys incarcerated in the al-Sina'a prison after the IS...
A List of those from T&T who traveled to Islamic State
This list compiled in January 2022 is the effort of the families of those who traveled to Islamic State from T&T but is by no means an...
The Islamic State and the Muslims of Trinidad and Tobago in the 21st century"
This work is a comprehensive review of the order of power of the Islamic State and it seeks to explain why Muslims of Trinidad and...
UNICEF visits the dormitory of the young males at al-Sina'a Prison
News of this UNICEF visit came from the SDF and North Press agency websites. Note the video attached to the SDF article which gives a...
The SDF discourse of young males from 2 years old as Grave Threats
It must be understood that the SDF and by extension the Kurds who support it are seeking to create a race/ethnic state straddling Syria,...
How the AANES and the SDF deal with our male children under their control
The AANES and its military arm the SDF insist that all male children of Islamic State (IS) fighters and their mothers are grave threats...
The Explosions of Sweden: constituting a pogrom against the non-whites of Sweden.
The social order of Sweden exhibits a unique propensity to utilise explosives especially hand grenades to launch attacks on people and...
The Victims of Brenton Tarrant
The short bios most with photographs of victims of Brenton Tarrant’s white supremacist mass murder in Christchurch, New Zealand have been...