The articles on this sub-page focus on the state of Power Relations in the North Atlantic; i.e. - the US, Canada and Europe. Of main interest is the resurgence and growing political strength of nazism/ fascism, in the guise of right-wing 'populist' movements across the study region and their interaction with the existing power structure(s) of the nation states.
“What the media discourse of Trump cannot grapple with”
The North Atlantic media discourse of Trump must focus on Trump as it is informed by the mythic position that as president he alone wields the power to change America and the world. The discourses of whatever political persuasion are all pushing this mythic line for their own specific agendas and in doing so strategic power relations that are involved in the present and future power environments are simply not seen or not presented in an attempt to silence the ranges of probable and possible impacts on Trump and the North Atlantic. Read more...
“Marine Le Pen, Leader of the National Front the next President of France
A Deconstruction of the European Discourse of White Supremacy/21st century Neo-Nazi Discourse”
This series will focus on the discourse of selected leaders/discursive agents of European 21st century white supremacy which carries discursive constructs of Nazi discourse and its attendant worldview. The attempt to distinguish between legitimate so-called mainstream movements from the so-called non mainstream extremist organisations and individuals is fallacious at best as the core issue is the commonality of the discourse that drives the quest for power of the white supremacists. The commonality of the discourse across the so-called spectrum points to a range of strategies adopted which buttress the quest to seize power in the social order. Read more...
“The Congruence of the Discourse of Frauke Petry of the AfD and Angela Merkel of the CDU on Islam and Muslims in Germany”
Corporate media assailed Petry and the AfD as a right wing extremist entity driven by Islamophobia and went after Petry in a strategic manner to expose Petry and the AfD for what the corporate media said they are. In this assault the discourse of the AfD was utilised to frame interviews with Petry which focused on specific issues that corporate media insisted will confirm the truth behind their discourse, of Petry and the AfD, and in doing so the worldview of Petry was marginalised. Read more...
“Analysing 21st century Neo Nazi Discourse of North Atlantic Mainstream Politics through the discourse of Michel Foucault”
North Atlantic hegemonic discourse has attempted to marginalise Neo Nazi discourse to a discursive and spatial ghetto inhabited by a lunatic fringe of violent extremists who are living in a Nazi time warp in praise of Der Fuhrer. This lunatic fringe is distanced from the political and social mainstream and will never migrate from the lunatic fringe to the mainstream much less to wield hegemonic power in the social order. But a hegemonic discourse of governmentality gravely weakened by its subservience to globalised neo liberal capitalist financial markets failed miserably to see, surveil and track the evolution of a 21st century Neo Nazi discourse that was being cobbled together by discursive agents who traversed the North Atlantic mainstream as they held fast to the fundamental worldview of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement. The aim of this mainstream movement is to capture the state via mainstream politics and then set about the task of constructing a new social order, a new state form and the imposition of a new value order the basis of which is race nationalism as defined by and executed by an inherently superior race elite who are above reproach and the law. Read more...
“A Deconstruction of the Discourse of Steven Bannon”
I had no intention to delve into the discourse of Steven Bannon in order to expose his worldview no matter the shrill media hype on Bannon and his supposed influence on Trump. Bannon is not elected and exists only on the largesse of Trump he is then Trump’s bitch and fall guy and being an outsider and excluded from the power relations of the white house as all those making the media comments we have to wait for an insider or insiders to reveal the dynamic. Until then we can only throw guesses, conjecture and dumb ass pop psychological causal suppositions at the reality we are excluded from. Until insider revelations appear in public spaces I chose to leave the underling alone but on GPS on CNN February 12, 2017 I heard Fareed Zakaria deliver an analysis of the worldview of Steve Bannon that was no less than flattering and affirmative that indicated to me that corporate media was now sucking up and it was now necessary to deconstruct the discourse of Bannon. Read more...
“What is the Difference between the Discourse of the Mass Murderer of Norway, Anders Breivik, and that of Bannon, Le Pen, Wilders, Petry and the AfD? There is None!”
Anders Breivik in his “2083-A Declaration of European Independence” Book Three “A Conservative Revolution-the only solution for Free Europeans” includes the 2007 declaration of Fjordman, which Breivik acts upon, who states as follows under the subheading “3.1 A phase of dialogue has come to an end (1955- 1999)”: “We demand that our national governments should immediately and without delay pull their countries out of the European Union, which should be dismantled entirely.” “If our national borders are not enforced, we have no obligation whatsoever to pay national taxes.” No difference here between Breivik and the 21st century mainstream neo Nazis. Read more...
“The Impact of the Politics of Race on the 2015-2016 Tsunami of Asylum Seekers in Europe”
The impact of the tsunami of refugees that swept the EU in 2015-2106 on the electoral politics of the EU is illustrated in the presidential elections of France with Marine Le Pen being a candidate, the number of seats won by Geertz Wilders and the PVV in the parliamentary elections of the Netherlands and the rise of the AfD as an electoral force in German electoral politics. The demise of the parties of the centre especially those of the neo-liberal persuasion married to a caricature of European left discourse and the march of the discourse of the parties of the right into the hallowed halls of fascist discourse and its worldview are also developments influenced by the tsunami of refuges to the EU. Read more...
“A Deconstruction of the Discourse of Aleksandr Dugin of Russia”
In an episode of DW Conflict Zone with Sergey Ryabkov the Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia utilised the discourse of the Alternative View on Assad and Syria. Ryabkov speaks of the consolidated western view which refuses to entertain an account of Syrian reality which contradicts their own especially that of the USA, the UK and France. It’s then a biased and politicised discourse which is threatening the ideal of an international order governed by democratic principles. Russia under Putin is then the sole defender of the ideal in the face of western imperialism the throwback to colonial gun-boat diplomacy. Russia is then qualitatively and quantitatively distinct, separate, apart and inherently superior to the west! Read more...
“The Public Political Discourse of Jordan Peterson Deconstructed (the Monk Debate 2018)”
This deconstruction is based on the discourse of Jordan Peterson contained in the book “ Political Correctness Gone Mad” which is an archive of Peterson’s statements in (a) a pre-debate interview, (b) the actual debate and (c) post-debate interview which comprised the format of the Monk debate of May 2018. This deconstruction will then flow with Peterson’s discourse as presented in the book. Read more...