The Marijuana/Ganja Illicit Drug Market of Trinidad and Tobago-2018
The Dynamic Relationship between Demand and Supply Demand From the decade of the 1990s to 2018 demand continues to grow for ganja in...
Murder in Trinidad & Tobago 2017: The Response of the Politicians to The New Normal
This is an update of my paper titled: “An Analysis of the Murder Rate of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) 1990-2016”
Playing Chicken with the Cult of Kim IL Sung
The portrayal of North Korea in the discourse of North Atlantic politicians, the mainstream media and academia refuses to accept and deal...
The Reality of the Cocaine and Methamphetamine Markets of the EU
The European Drug Report 2017 The EMCDDA 2017 report “European Drug Report Trends and Development” presents an analysis of the cocaine...
As the War on Drugs the War on Terrorism has Collapsed
From the 2001 attack on New York to the June 2017 attack on London the process of the war on terrorism is now driven by a hybrid of the...