Hegemonic Discourse of Europe on Criminality and Islamic Extremism: Another Failure/Refusal to Under
The latest squeeze of those in Europe whose task it is to cobble together discourse on Islamic extremism in Europe is to fabricate a...
The Pincers of the Mexican Transnational Trafficking Organisations put the squeeze on the EU
The report of the interdiction of 600 kilos of cocaine in Lithuania shipped from Ecuador follows the interdiction in 2015 of 600 kilos in...
The Illicit Drug Trade of the UK in 2017: Pax Mexicana!
The National Strategic Assessment of Serious and Organised Crime 2017 produced by the National Crime Agency (NCA) describes the rapidly...
Gun Smuggling in the EU
The Paris attacks placed on the political agenda the issue of dealing with gun smuggling/trafficking in the EU. In a news release dated...